Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back Ground or Chapter 1

Welcome, to the story of my life as it's happening.

On this coming Friday (October 1st) I will be turning 20 years old, and for reasons inexplicable to most around me, I am scared shitless. Turning twenty signifies the end of my childhood, no longer will I be able to use the excuse, "I'm sorry I messed up, I'm just a teenager." Or "I know it was a stupid idea, but I'm young and impulsive!" Or a personal favorite of mine, "I am supposed to make mistakes, after all, I am just a teenager."

Although I know it seems illogical, people older than twenty have always symbolized "old people" and "adults" to me. As such I can't help but think that as soon as the clock strikes 12 and my birthday arrives I will have to start behaving like a real adult. To a person who still calls herself a kid, has a Disney coloring book stashed under her bed, sleeps with her coveted Elmo, and who often unintentionally tells people she is seventeen, becoming an adult is a big thing.

In other cultures that I grew up around becoming an "adult" occurred at a much earlier age. I attended Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, and Quinceaneras galore, all of them initiating a friend into the world of adulthood. While the idea of a big party to celebrate the transition seemed like a good idea, I was always glad that I wasn't culturally expected to go through a similar thing. I am much more of a Peter Pan than a Wendy.

Now that I have gotten somethings off of my chest I suppose I should explain why I created this blog. I hope to come to terms with my quickly approaching adulthood by publicly exploring my views on what it means to be a child and an adult. I hope to accomplish all of this before the American Premiere of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. 

Wait what? Where did Harry Potter come from, why is it suddenly a factor? Well awhile back I was talking with my dad about generational names or something, it was a long while, I don't specifically remember, but I do remember him stating that my generation should be known as Generation P. The P represents Potter and as I near my coming of age, I can't help but think about Harry Potter and how his own coming of age saga influenced my personal views as well as those of many many others in my generation. Mr. Potter and his friends (and enemies), have been with me since I first became aware of myself as a small part of the world, or as I like to say, as a Global Citizen. In my mind, the stories I grew up with are an excellent parallel to figuring out who exactly I am growing up to be.

All this talk of growing up is making me dizzy though, and I have homework to finish, but you can be certain that I will continue posting until I have reached a happy balance between my life as a child and whatever it is that comes after.

Thanks for reading,
Dressed up for the Harry Potter 7 Book Release


  1. Why did you choose the premiere of (what I assume to be) the first movie? Wouldn't the second film make more sense as it will be the conclusion of the Harry Potter Saga as our generation knows it.

  2. Hit this link to see the answer to your question Anonymous friend! http://robynseyeview.blogspot.com/2010/10/anonymous-coment.html
