Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reminded of Home

Home Land
So I've been listening to music all day (I do this a lot when something is bugging me, like getting old on Friday) and this band called The Maine keeps popping up on my playlist. This is significant for two reasons, one they are from my home land AKA Arizona, and two a lot of their songs talk about things that have been on my mind (their music is also ridiculously catchy, but I digress).

New Land
Long story short(er), their music brought to light the fact that part of the reason becoming an adult scares me is because I am doing it in a strange land with new friends. Don't get me wrong, I love New York and the people I've met here, but I miss the familiarity back in Phoenix. I miss those people who know you so well that you don't have to tell them something is upsetting you before they start trying to cheer you up, I miss hugs that are so sincere they hurt. I just keep telling myself "I came to New York on a dream, I knew it might take me awhile..." but I mean that tends to just bring up VYT memories...

Haha I am so self pitying, I know, but in a new adult effort to suck less at life I have taken it upon myself to be my own cheer up squad and as such would like to share with the rest of the world two things that remind me of the good times back home, but also make me laugh like a five year old (life is about balance!). The End of Ze World (because there are worse things than turning twenty) AND Teen Girl Squad (because they look SOOO GOOD!)

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