Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Little Things

Today while working on an Anthropology assignment that has been giving me a lot of problems, I got a bit of good news, a possible theatre to take me on and let me observe their "day to day" rituals for my paper on  the Theatre Community in New York. It was a little feat, nothing is certain, but still the news made me squeal a bit and do a little jumpy dance train wreck sort of thing. As I paused for breath I thought about how childish my actions must look, then I decided that even adults should be allowed to express emotions. It's the little decisions like this, sparked by little events, that may just make it possible for me to transition into adulthood with out causing too much of a scene.

Also, I wanted to note that anyone who is brave enough to read these posts that display just how "weird" my brain is, is more than welcome to post thoughts, comments, questions, stories of their own coming of age, advice, or really anything else they can think of. It all may just help me figure my life out for the time being. I'd like to end with a quote that a good friend and class mate of mine left on my facebook page last night.

 "I just read your blog. Your brain is weird but I dig it. Fuck adulthood I want to be a child" J.R.

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