Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's Offical

Here is a short list of things that are officially official in my life right now...

1. I am going to Iceland for ten hopefully fantastic days over my spring break.
2. I am participant observing at a very cool theatre for my very cool Ethnography class this Saturday.
3. I have said Ethnography class in ten minutes, and I am still in my room, in my pajamas.
4. Iceland, ten days, spring break. SO EXCITED. You don't even know.
5. Also, so broke after buying my ticket to Iceland, but I am excellent at living off of a meal card.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Emma Watson has my life.

Let me start by saying that I think Emma Watson is fantastic, I truly admire her and I wish her the best in life, but secretly I am a bitter ball of misguided hate. Hate is a strong and inaccurate word in this case, but I shall use it anyways because it makes me feel empowered and helps relieve the above mentioned bitterness. 

Now that you are aware of the very one sided love-hate relationship I have with Emma Watson, please do let me explain why I feel the way I do. This is a post I have been wanting to do since I first started this blog, but I have held off in order to be sure that I really had everything down pat in my own head, to prevent has much confusion as possible on paper. All of this being said here is why Emma Watson has my life.

Before you begin reading I should not that italicized section are stories of my own life that often hold little if any relevance to what the other things I am writing, so feel free to skip over them and cut down on your reading experience!

Emma and I are very close in age, we were both born in 1990 (I'm to lazy to look up her actual birthdate at the moment, plus that's a bit to creepy, but I believe she is five or six months older). Sharing a birth year is the only similarity between the two of us, other than that she has lead a life I am envious of, not a perfect life no, but a life of excellent adventures and experiences, starting with where she was born.

Emma Watson was born in France (somewhere in Paris I believe), and she later moved to England. This is epicly cool because like many other Americans my age I am OBSESSED with foreigners. 

Random unnecessary anecdote: When I decided upon entering high school that I was going to take French instead of Spanish someone asked me "Why, especially when Spanish is much more useful in the States, especially Arizona?" I responded "Uhmm, because I don't plan on living in Arizona for ever, I want to move to Europe."

After moving to England, Emma lived her life for a few years and then on one magical day in around 1999, young Emma was given a fantastic opportunity, the chance to audition for the film version of the books that defined my childhood. Well as if being born in France and raised in England wasn't reason enough to 'hate' Emma Watson, her landing the role of Hermione Granger in the film adaptations was.

Random unnecessary anecdote #2: Growing up I had two best friends, both boys, a set of twins. I spent so much time at their house that I had a change of clothes and a pair of pajamas stashed in one of their drawers for the all to common nights when we would trick our parents into letting us have a sleepover. Sometimes I would spend entire weekends at their house, getting in and out of trouble doing school projects, chores, and of course reading, talking about, watching and reenacting Harry Potter. The younger of the two was always Harry (he fit the description marvelously) the older was always Ron (he did not fit the looks, but played his part well) and I was Hermione, complete with ridiculously unmanageable hair. If I can find some pictures of us in our outfits, I'll post them.

Emma preformed exceedingly well in her role and at the same time managed to do well in school. Did I mention I 'hate' her? Because up until this point in my life I just thought she was very cool, and then in all of her awesomeness she was accepted into Brown University.

Random unnecessary anecdote #3: Brown, for anyone who doesn't know me, is one of my most prominent obsessions, I fell in LOVE with the school after visiting it and sitting in on a class during the inevitable "fit as many college tours as possible into one weekend" trip.

When I found out that Emma had decided to attend Brown, I also decided that she lived my life, all of these things that I loved and looked at longingly from afar were things that define who she is in the public eye. 

Random unnecessary anecdote #4: I thought I had gotten over my initial jealousy of Emma when I went to visit some friends in Boston a month or so into my freshman year, nope I was wrong. While in Boston we came across several large adds for the British trench coat company, Burberry. The relevance? The adds centered not around models, but around Emma. She was accompanied by her brother and a series of other young British males (who if I'm not mistaken are rather well known in the U.K.). Now I have never paid much attention to Burberry, I am not a fashionable person nor do I have the ducats to spend on their products, but the adds stirred up my bitter 'hatred' again, WHY DOES SHE GET TO BE SO PRETTY AND FASHIONABLE, AS WELL AS INTELLIGENT, TALENTED, AND FROM FRANCE/ENGLAND?! Not fair, if you ask me.

Overall I think Emma has thus far grown up gracefully, she has yet to display any signs of the tragic downfalls so common among young celebrities these days, she is focusing on her education above her career, she is not afraid to be herself (her new short, short haircut is another point of jealousy. RUA#5 I had a bowl cut for a long time, and it NEVER made me look cute, ever.) She is a great example of Harry Potter's influence on my life, because I do admire her and although she is less than a year older than me, I see her as a great example of a flawless transition into adulthood.

Thanks for reading,


Sunday, October 17, 2010


I have neglected you dear Blog. I have been busy, thoughts have been plentiful, and yet the urges to write have been few and far between. This is not your fault however Blog, this is because writing essays for class, and emails for various things that one may need to write long boring emails for, temporally sucked the fun out of writing. Also, I went to Boston this weekend, and not once did I log onto the internet the entire time, excepting a few minutes on the bus ride back that ended when the wifi stopped working suddenly. I do not have much time before I fall asleep, but I just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about you, that you do still matter, and that I hope we can still be friends after my week long neglection of you. Yes, I know that neglection is not a real word, it is however now a fake word, a neologism if you will. (For those of you less obsessed with random words, well I shall let you enjoy the adventure of looking neologism it up for yourself.) To make it up to you Blog, I shall write at least one decent (in my own opinion at least, I understand that writing is a subjective art) post, possibly even two, because I have several that I have been meaning to write for a while now. Please do accept my humble apology and forgive me. I shall visit with you more on the morrow. 


P.S. I got you a present because, as I said I am obsessed with random words, and as I didn't say, I am obsessed with random facts, so I hope you enjoy my small token of my apology. I am also obsessed with commas, even those essays that I previously mentioned were told so.