Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Someday I will have an apartment. In it will be a vast, eclectic, collection of cereal, and a dog. The dog's name will most likely be stolen from the obscure depths of some piece of literature, that in bringing back to the surface in the form of a dog's name will show just how intelligent I am. There will also be a large collection of books, and if I have any self-will, there will be no TV, or at the very least a small, out of date, awkwardly placed television in the kitchen, just so that I can watch the news while eating breakfast, which I will eat several times a day, thanks to my impressive cereal collection. There will be orchids in the window panes, and perhaps, another person or two strategically placed down the hall to stave off loneliness.

Today I borrow a dorm. It is not my home, but instead a small box in which I have packed a few possessions and myself for storage until Someday. I have a penguin whose name Zeus, was chosen by a stranger and copied at his feet, and a dinosaur named Felicia who wears her price tag as if it were a pendant, around her neck. I have two boxes of cereal, one is empty, and by tomorrow morning the other will be as well. Books are numerous, but most have been read several times or are purposefully neglected due to their connections with my classes. I have more screens than I approve of, and can't seem to help but feel that the stranger who shares my box is an invader, coming in to condense my life even further. There is no kitchen, there is no art on the walls save for a small fiber glass flower. The rest hides in a suit case, the small box and its occupants are not worthy of the presence of art on the walls. There are no orchids, and the blinds to the window seem permanently drawn shut. The only other body causes resentment, it reminds me that I am not alone, but does nothing to fight the loneliness.

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