I have neglected you dear Blog. I have been busy, thoughts have been plentiful, and yet the urges to write have been few and far between. This is not your fault however Blog, this is because writing essays for class, and emails for various things that one may need to write long boring emails for, temporally sucked the fun out of writing. Also, I went to Boston this weekend, and not once did I log onto the internet the entire time, excepting a few minutes on the bus ride back that ended when the wifi stopped working suddenly. I do not have much time before I fall asleep, but I just wanted to let you know that I have not forgotten about you, that you do still matter, and that I hope we can still be friends after my week long neglection of you. Yes, I know that neglection is not a real word, it is however now a fake word, a neologism if you will. (For those of you less obsessed with random words, well I shall let you enjoy the adventure of looking neologism it up for yourself.) To make it up to you Blog, I shall write at least one decent (in my own opinion at least, I understand that writing is a subjective art) post, possibly even two, because I have several that I have been meaning to write for a while now. Please do accept my humble apology and forgive me. I shall visit with you more on the morrow.
P.S. I got you a present because, as I said I am obsessed with random words, and as I didn't say, I am obsessed with random facts, so I hope you enjoy my small token of my apology. I am also obsessed with commas, even those essays that I previously mentioned were told so.
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