Monday, October 25, 2010

New section/Notebook doodles

So I have decided to create a new series of posts dedicated to things you might find in my notebooks. Most of these will focus on doodles, but some may be notes on the topic, or notes for myself. This just seemed like a good way to give everyone who is not me insight into how my mind works at various points in my life. While I do think it is rather narcissistic of me to assume that anyone actually cares about my notebook doodles (or really anything I post on here),  I shall submit them to the universe, allowing my narcissism to win this round.

For the first set I have chosen three doodles from the notebook that is right in front of me.

Az v. NY  (during Hist. of Africa last week)

To clarify, it says... NY- "Damn it's raining again." "I know, lame"
AZ- "AHH it's raining!" "Oh my god! Oh my god! It's wet!"

Monotheism v. Polytheism (during World Civs. first semester Freshman yr.)

I'm fairly certain the Professor described monotheism as being a large creature that ate everything else up, I don't actually remember though.
Magic Carpet (during Hist. of Africa while watching video on Islam today)

Self explanatory I feel.

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